Welcome to Resilience and Renewal: A 21-Day Journey for Parkinson’s Caregivers

Parkinson's Caregiving is wearing you thin. 

You lose patience, feel alone, and nothing seems to get the results you want. 

How you can sustain your own well-being and still be an able and loving caregiver?

Here’s what some of our past participants have to say:
This program isn’t just about surviving as a caregiver – it’s about thriving. It’s about reclaiming your sense of purpose, finding moments of joy amidst the challenges, and building resilience for the journey ahead.

Join us for Resilience and Renewal: A 21-Day Journey for  Parkinson's Caregivers

The price for this month-long transformative program is only $97.  That's less than you would spend for a single massage, or a session with a counselor.  You sense of calm and peace of mind are worth it! You put so much energy and effort into caregiving. Now give to yourself. You deserve to have this support. You are worth it

Scroll below to enroll now and take the first step towards a brighter, more connected future for you and your loved one. Let’s walk this journey together. 

With compassion and support, 
Dr. Terri Pease
Sign up here to make Renewal and Resilience a part of your life.
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Included in Renewal and Resilience

One-time Payment

21 Daily Emails (you'll get the weekend off) 

 Your membership starts the Monday after you join 

 Your sense of joy in daily life will improve 

 You'll regain the love PD tried to steal 

 You'll discover that there is space for you even while caregiving.

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xRenewal and Resilience Program$97

All prices in USD